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Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation.


Beyond offsetting actions, the real long-term differentiation that we can make can only come from our business as a software developer by reducing our carbon footprint a) during the manufacturing of our products by our teams and b) during their use by our customers. "Manufacturing" is understood in the broadest sense of the word as the development of products and their sale, maintenance, and administrative tasks.


This "manufacturing" carbon footprint comes mainly from the energy we consume, the hardware and software we use, and our teams' travel. In the end, it corresponds to a typical "office" activity; our room for manoeuvre for reduction remains limited and is not likely to differentiate us from other companies. The most significant gain is undoubted to be imagined in the use that our customers make of our products because the latter is implemented by a large and growing number of users, and therefore the slightest gain is multiplied massively.