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Introducing Our New Secure File Upload Portal

We are thrilled to announce the release of our latest feature, the ES Upload Portal. This new plugin allows users to submit files to your DAM or projects effortlessly, using a simple pin code, enhancing both convenience and centralizing your file ingestion process.


Why We Developed the ES Upload Portal

Organizations often struggle with ingesting files from multiple external sources. Current methods can be time-consuming and inefficient, leading to delays and frustration. Additionally, locating ingested files for repeat use becomes challenging when they are not centralized. To address these issues, there was a clear need for a centralized, safe, and automated approach for various content ingestion requirements. This solution was developed to tackle these challenges and offer a streamlined, efficient process for file management.


Key Features and Benefits

The Upload Portal comes packed with functionalities designed to streamline workflows and enhance user experience:

  • A secure, accessible space for submitting files via a unique link.

  • Email Notifications: Automatic notifications to contributors, prompting them to transfer files to the designated space.

  • Folder Structure Recreation: Automatically recreates the folder structure during folder imports for better organization.

  • Control Options: Comprehensive control over file parameters, such as:

    • Recipients

    • Portal availability duration

    • Accepted file types

    • Number of files

    • Total file volume

  • Customizable Page: Personalize the portal's interface to fit your specific needs and branding.

    DALIM Upload Portal - Diagram

How the ES Upload Portal Enhances Your Workflow

The Upload Portal significantly simplifies the file submission process. By removing the necessity for user accounts and offering extensive customization choices, it ensures a smoother, more efficient workflow compared to previous methods.


Upload portal UI





What Sets Our Upload Portal Apart from Other Solutions

Our Portal stands out from other file ingestion software due to its direct connection to our content lifecycle management tool, DALIM ES. This integration allows our users to leverage the full suite of functionalities in content lifecycle management automation immediately after submission. Key benefits comprise:


Upload Portal Blog Dialogue

Viewing Files in High-Resolution, Color-Accurate Viewer: Our platform provides a high-resolution, color-accurate viewer, ensuring that ES users can instantly access and examine newly uploaded files with exceptional clarity and precision.




Upload Portal Blog Workflow

Triggering Automatic Workflows for Approval Cycles and File Manipulation: Once files are submitted, automatic workflows can be triggered for approval cycles and file manipulation, enhancing efficiency and reducing manual intervention.





Automatic Generation of Content: The system can automatically generate content based on the submitted files, further streamlining the content creation process.


These advanced features empower our software users to efficiently manage and process files submitted by external contributors. By combining secure file submission with powerful content management tools, our Upload Portal offers a comprehensive solution for streamlined content workflows.


Want to see how DALIM ES can help you streamline your content lifecycle management?


Tailored Solutions for Specific Audiences


Content Managers Receiving Files from External Contributors

The Upload Portal makes it easy for content managers to receive files from external contributors. By providing a reliable and straightforward submission process, contributors can deliver their files without requiring access to internal systems.


Creative Professionals Managing Multi-Source Assets

Creative professionals dealing with assets from various sources will find the portal's ability to recreate folder structures and handle multiple file types invaluable. This characteristic ensures that all assets are organized and easily accessible.


IT Decision-Makers Looking to Streamline File Ingestion Processes

For IT decision-makers, the Upload Portal offers a robust solution to streamline the file ingestion process. Its secure file sharing and minimal information exchange features guarantee that files are transferred safely and efficiently. Additionally, they only have to maintain one place for this process to happen rather than many.


External Contributors Submitting Files

External contributors benefit from the portal's ease of use. They can submit files quickly and securely without the hassle of creating new accounts or navigating complex systems.



Technical Details of the Secure File Upload Portal

Our development team utilized the ES API from an intermediate server to create this portal, ensuring robust security and privacy. Key security measures include:


  • Encrypted URLs: Protecting the transfer process.

  • Minimal Information Sharing: Only the project and folder details are required.

  • Secure File Sharing: Files are securely sent to a server, then transferred to the ES system.


Implementing the Upload Portal

To get started simply contact our service team for implementation assistance. We will provide comprehensive documentation to guide you through the setup process.


Looking Ahead with the Upload Portal

The ES Upload Portal is available soon, with plans for additional updates in the future. Stay tuned for more information and enhancements to this exciting new tool.


We are excited to introduce this innovative file management addition to our DALIM ES platform and are confident it will enhance your project management and collaboration efforts. For more details or support, please contact our service team. We look forward to your feedback and to helping you make the most of this new plugin.





What is the ES Upload Portal?
The Upload Portal is a DALIM ES plugin designed to facilitate effortless file submissions to projects or folders using a simple pin code, enhancing both convenience and centralizing your file ingestion process.
How does the Upload Portal improve workflow?
It improves the workflow by having the assets submitted directly into your content lifecycle management system, removing the need to manually transfer them.
What security features does the Upload Portal offer?
Key security measures include encrypted URLs, minimal information sharing, and protected data transmission processes.
Can I customize the interface of the Upload Portal?
Yes, the interface can be personalized to fit specific preferences and branding, ensuring a tailored user experience.
What are the control options in the Upload Portal?
Control options include settings for recipients, portal availability duration, accepted file types, number of files, total file volume, and customizable email notifications.
How can I Implement the plugin?
To get started, contact our service team for implementation assistance and comprehensive documentation to guide you through the setup process.
About the author
Aurelien Knapp
Senior Application Consultant at DALIM SOFTWARE