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DALIM ES contains an implementation of the CMIS API compliant with the CMIS 1.1 specification. We have used this API to build integrations, such as our Adobe CC Plugin, and you can do too. The specification contains all the necessary information to be able to use the ES CMIS API. However, it is strongly recommended to always refer to the specification for CMIS details. Listed in this documentation are the specific methods we have built into ES.

CMIS (Content Management Interoperability Services) is a vendor-neutral OASIS Web services interface specification that enables interoperability between Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems. CMIS allows rich information to be shared across Internet protocols in vendor-neutral formats, among document systems, publishers and repositories, in a single enterprise and between companies.


  • An ES system.
  • A valid User with the required permissions for the specific call.
  • Access to the API endpoint: <ES_URL> + /Esprit/browser


Before using the CMIS API, you first must authenticate, which can be done in two ways:  either via the built-in CMIS authentication:

<ES_URL> + /Esprit/browser/login

2 parameters are required, the user name and the password. The call will return a JSON string that contains the value for the token to use for all other CMIS API calls by adding the parameter esToken=<the token> in all following calls until logout.

An alternative to the login URL is the use of BASIC authentication. All CMIS API methods accept authentication with BASIC authentication. It is recommended in this case to send back the Cookie JSESSIONID to all calls.

You do not need this method if you are already logged in using the ES standard API and you are able to pass the Cookie JSESSIONID. This method is here to help connect to the CMIS API when it's not possible with a cookie.

The CMIS API uses IDs to refer to Objects. These IDs are constructed using the following rule:
<ES Object class Id>:<ES Id>:<ES document revision number or 0 if not a document or the current document revision>

ES Object class ID are the following:
1: Document
2: Job
3: Customer
4: Folder
1:2345:0 the last revision of the Document with the ID 2345
1:2345:3 the third revision of the Document with the ID 2345
2:6789:0 the Job with the ID 6789

About the author
Tom Price
Solutions Architect at DALIM SOFTWARE