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How to get more from your production workflow faster, error free, with less ? Use our SaaS Webservice to treat your documents !

DALIM DRIVE is a highly scalable microservice engine which can be feed through our API.


  • Deliver large volumes of print on demand, 
  • with more deliverables, files formats,versions and deadlines,
  • while dealing with content personalization,
  • and guaranteeing quick turnarounds without mistakes or added costs.





You will need to have a valid Account for our Pay per Use model and to be charged automatically by our Online Payment solution or have subscribed to a longer term contract ensuring a certain volume of files to be treated.

Contact your favorite Business Development Manager for more informations.

On the technical side, you will need to push orders to our Microservice Scheduler and therefore have knowledge on the JSON REST Webservice principle, XML language.

In most of the cases, the customers are using their Production Scheduling tool such as an MIS to submit the requests to our API.


API Users

The DALIM DRIVE API is license for a user with a valid payment method. This user is allowed to submit a certain quantity of requests per day, per month, per year according to his contract.

As part of the metadata you can set for your request, you can specify a Customer ID and a Project ID so that you can map your internal IDs for your customer's orders with the tasks executed by DALIM DRIVE.


Getting Started


You just need any utility able to post an XML file to our API.

Make your first call

Example of a Python request to post an order:

import requests
with open(r'local_Testjdf.xml','rb') as tempObj:
    headers={'Content-Type': 'multipart/related'},data=data,headers=headers)


The sample XML to post:

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=-----2d27e7571517a18c
Content-Type: application/vnd.cip4-jmf+xml
Content-ID: jmf
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<JMF TimeStamp="2019-10-15T17:19:08-05:00" Version="1.4" MaxVersion="1.4" xsi:type="JMFRootMessage" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" ChannelMode="FireAndForget">
  <!--Generated by the CIP4 .NET open source JDF Library version : CIP4 JDF Writer C# 1.3 BLD 52-->
  <Command ID="m_191015_171908982_000000" Type="SubmitQueueEntry" xsi:type="CommandSubmitQueueEntry">
    <QueueSubmissionParams URL="cid:jdf" ReturnURL="file:///tmp/resultJDF/result.jdf" />
    <QueueFilter MaxEntries="0" QueueEntryDetails="None"/>

Content-Type: application/vnd.cip4-jdf+xml
Content-ID: jdf
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<JDF xmlns="" xmlns:Dalim="http://www.Copyright©2019,DALIMSOFTWAREGmbH2/" xmlns:xsi="" ID="D000-0000-0001" JobID="999999999" Priority="50" JobPartID="c2888c96-c5a1-48dd-be7d-4531be66cf29" Status="Waiting" Type="Dalim:PDFOptimizer" Version="1.3" xsi:type="Dalim:PDFOptimizer">
    <RunList Class="Parameter" ID="D0000000-0-1" Status="Available">
      <LayoutElement ID="D0000000-0-2">
        <FileSpec ID="D0000000-0-3" URL="file:///home/Samples/Files/FILE.pdf" />
    <RunList Class="Parameter" Directory="" ID="D0000000-0-4" Status="Unavailable" />
    <Dalim:ScriptParams CheckRun="true" Class="Parameter" ID="D0000000-0-05" Interpreter="bash" ScriptName="" Status="Available">
      <Dalim:Parameter ID="D0000001-0-0" Type="InputFile" />
      <Dalim:Parameter ID="D0000001-0-1" Type="OutputFolder" />
      <Dalim:Parameter ID="D0000002" Type="String" Value="NormalizingParamSetName" />
      <Dalim:Parameter ID="D0000003" Type="String" Value="PreflightProfileName" />
      <Dalim:Parameter ID="D0000004" Type="String" Value="Drive_1.4_FontSubSet" />
      <Dalim:Parameter ID="D0000005" Type="String" Value="/home/Samples/Files_Results" />
      <!-- output folder -->
      <Dalim:Parameter ID="D0000006" Type="String" Value="DALIM" />
      <!-- Cost Center Field -->
      <Dalim:Parameter ID="D0000007" Type="String" Value="local_Test_1444" />
      <Dalim:Parameter ID="D0000008" Type="String" Value="/home/Samples/Files_Quarantine" />
      <!-- Project Name Field-->
    <RunListLink Usage="Input" rRef="D0000000-0-1" />
    <RunListLink Usage="Output" rRef="D0000000-0-4" />
    <Dalim:ScriptParamsLink Usage="Input" rRef="D0000000-0-05" />


TIP: For your first call, you can use a REST client tool (for example, Postman or Paw) with an OAuth 1.0 implementation.

  1. Set the authorization to OAuth version 1.0
  2. Populate the consumer and token key/secret pairs
  3. Update the authorization header
  4. Send the request
About the author
Christophe Bindler
Customer Service Director at DALIM SOFTWARE.